Tuesday, September 25, 2007
SL Second Life - Visit The Office
Monday, September 17, 2007
SL Second Life - Visit RMIT

Monday, September 10, 2007
Responses to the look of Creatina Ferraris in her LIVING CLOUD (03)
Responses to the look of Creatina Ferraris in her LIVING CLOUD (02)

[7:48] A.R.: Hello
[7:48] A.R.: You have the best avatar I've ever seen!
[7:49] Creatina: thank
[7:49] Creatina: you
[7:49] Creatina: so
[7:49] Creatina: much
Responses to the look of Creatina Ferraris in her LIVING CLOUD (01)
[8:39] X: Hi Fluffy
[8:39] Creatina: i am Creatina
[8:39] X: lol
[8:39] Creatina: no
[8:39] X: Boo
[8:39] Creatina: i am an avatar in its home
[8:40] A: yes when queen put her place here i could just tp to her lm i set
[8:40] Creatina: this is my house
[8:40] O: Strange home !
[8:40] Creatina: i take it with me
[8:40] X: Thats cool
[8:40] Creatina: it has anything i need
[8:40] A: lol
[8:40] Creatina: do you live here?
[8:40] X: I'd never be lost again
[8:40] X: lol
[8:40] Creatina: sure
[8:41] Creatina: bed, kitchen, bathroom, jacuzzi
[8:41] A: lol you can never get locked out...
[8:41] Creatina: right!
[8:41] Creatina: no it is enough for me
[8:41] Creatina: i am little as well
[8:42] X: brb i have to put sock on Jcat
[8:42] Creatina: try!
[8:42] A: k
[8:42] A: there ya go
[8:42] Creatina: hui
Introducing LIVING CLOUD
my name is Creatina Ferraris. This is my name in Second Life. And this is my look in Second Life

It seems as everybody needs a HOME in Second Life. I am not sure about that. But if so, I prefer to take my home with me, wherever I go ...

... or wherever I am (here on Money Tree Island)
I would like to show You some beautiful locations in Second Life. Come with me if You like ...